I love the Christmas Spirit and how we are reminded to focus more on the people around us. We’ve been having a wonderful time this year teaching Porter about the true meaning of Christmas and about the significance of the birth of the Savior. Here’s a long winded update of what our family has been up to this year.
This past year our travels have revolved around specific family and friend events. My Grandpa Harrison had his 80th birthday up in Fort Kent which was a great visit. Later in the summer, we were able to to attend the Trim’s first family reunion down in Oregon. On the way up from Oregon, our little family stopped in Vancouver to visit my Grandma and Grandpa Seu. I was able to learn more about my family history from that side of the family which was a great experience. We went to two weddings, one where I flew solo to Utah and also one as a family to Rexburg where I was a bridesmaid. We really enjoyed visiting our family and friends within the province and getting to visit those who live far away. Hopefully in 2011 we can continue to strengthen and build our family/friend relationships and get to see those we weren’t able to last year.
Lane has had three great things happen this past year for him as a police officer. One, he was entrusted to train four rookie police officers (because he’s so awesome). Two, though he didn’t make it on the Hawc helicopter team in September, he did have the best test scores. He needed a few extra courses and some acting time as a Sergeant, which he has completed and is re-applying in January. At least he still gets to go up in the helicopter a few times a month. Last, and this is the best part of all, Lane passed his incident command course!! He was already able to be an acting office sergeant but this course enabled him to be an acting street sergeant. He is the big chief on the street so watch yourself. He’s decided he doesn’t want to yet apply to be a sergeant full time because of his desire to pursue the helicopter team but this was yet another way for Lane to move forward in his career. I still want to give him high five’s whenever I talk about it.
Apparently he has a lot going on because there’s one more noteworthy thing to mention. Lane has been putting a lot of effort into getting sponsors in the hopes he can attend the World Police-Fire Games and compete in the ATV motocross in New York this upcoming summer. He served his mission in New York which is really special and 2011 also marks the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. It’ll be an incredible experience so we’re really hoping that sponsorships work out.
As for myself, I’ve been able to continue classes at the UofC part-time. I attend an aerobics class regularly and it’s been liberating to feel stronger and healthier. I’m also the room parent for Porter’s kindergarten class which I like because it really enables me to be more involved and still somewhat in control in this ‘unknown’ school realm. I love being a Mom and spending my time with Porter and Grady, doing my best to raise them to be wonderful little men. So that’s kind of a big deal though it remains the same year to year!
Porter has been in swimming and soccer this year. His highlight was turning five and going to school where I also convinced him that kids who go to school have to zip up their own jackets. That really worked well for me. This was also the first year in many that we didn’t have a Thomas the train birthday party. I kind of regret saying that it was forced. There’s only so many takes you can do on a Thomas birthday cake so he settled for Dinosaurs.
Porter is absolutely loving school and he’d probably challenge anyone who did not give praises to his beloved kindergarten teacher. He has learned so much in such a short period of time. His school is a little more rigorous in the homework department but he really takes pride in the work he does. His only slight disappointment this year was when he was a hamburger for Halloween and every other boy was a superhero that wanted to eat him. He liked being a hamburger up until that point. He loves making crafts. There is not enough tape or styrofoam plates that could fill his needs.
Grady is really funny but balances it out quite nicely by being mischievous. His smile envelops his whole face because his smile is so big and once the dimples reveal themselves fully, it’s like his whole face is smiling. This is his trick after he has thrown yet another random item in the toilet. My cousin kindly put it that he’s not being bad, he’s just ‘busy’, as he turns on the water jug, dumps the dog food, digs in the plant dirt and goes to empty out a cupboard. Yes, Grady is adorable and ‘busy’. He loves to play fight, jump, run, dance, and tackle. He was in swimming lessons earlier this year and loves the water. He loves jumping off the edge of the pool like walking the plank would be a party. Grady loves to cuddle, play with cars, and read books. So along with funny and mischievous, he’s also pretty perfect.
Upon reflection, it’s great to look back on a year. We had some really great experiences together as a family that were worth the work and sometimes strain behind it. We loved every minute, with the exception of Grady screaming in the car. We hope everything is well and hope we get to hear how you are.
Love The Trims
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